Prophi® PF Controller

Product Details
- 12 or 15 switching outputs
- Extended measured voltage range (up to 760 V ~ L-L)
- Control of inductive compensation systems possible
- 20 pre-programmed control series
- Control series editor
- Graphical display 128 x 64 pixels
- Plain language menu navigation
- Four-quadrant operation
- Automatic initialisation
- Display of various grid parameters
- Display of harmonics
- Display of distortion factor THD-V / THD-I
- Monitoring of the capacitor current
- Saving of the maximum values
- Saving of the switching cycles and times
- Manual / Automatic mode
- Zero voltage shutdown
- Various error messages / alarm relay
- Error memory
- Test run of the system with error analysis
- Control of inductive compensation systems possible
- Voltage, current, frequency, active power, reactive power, apparent power
- Harmonics of the voltage (up to the 33rd / up to the 16th (even))
- Harmonics of the current (up to the 33rd / up to the 16th (even))
Alarm output programmable for ...
- Undervoltage detection / Overvoltage detection
- Under-compensation / Over-compensation
- Under-current / Over-current
- Harmonics threshold values
- Delivery of active power
- Overtemperature
- Message for delivery of active power
- Measured voltage error
- Switching cycle warning
- Modbus error
- C-defect
Functional principle
- Single-phase/three-phase electronic measurement system
- Detection of the reactive and active current portion of the grid via the current and voltage circuit
- Switching in or out of the capacitor stages via the outputs in the event of deviations in the set power factor
- Switching of capacitors via contactors or semiconductors
- Regulation via capacitor air contactors is implemented in an optimised manner
- Transistor outputs for the near-realtime control of semiconductor switches
Fan control
- Development of fan control via integrated temperature sensors and a fan
- Uses the signal relay
- Programming of a lower or upper limit temperature necessary
LCD display
- Graphical display 128 x 64 pixels
- Display a comprehensive selection of measurement parameters
Overtemperature shut-down
- The overtemperature shut-down switches off the capacitor stages connected
- This results in the reduction of the interior temperature of the switching cabinet and protects the capacitors
- Programming of a lower or upper limit temperature as well as the pause time
- Two independent potential-free RS485 interfaces
- The Modbus RTU, Modbus KTR, ASCII out, Slave Hybrid, Slave Mode, and Master Mode protocols are available via the RS485s
- Integration of PLC systems, building management systems or energy management systems
- Modbus transfer rates: 9.6 – 256 kBit/s